Bible international

Hier findest du jede Woche ein Kapitel aus der Bibel zum Herunterladen als pdf und als Audio-Datei in Nordkoreanisch, Chinesisch und Arabisch. Wir beginnen im Johannesevangelium. Diese Woche: Johannes Kapitel 6

Here you will find a chapter from the Bible every week to download as a pdf and as an audio file in North Korean, Chinese and Arabic. We begin with the Gospel of John. This Week: John Chapter 6

여기에서 매주 성경의 한 장을 찾을 수 있으며 북한어, 중국어 및 아랍어로 된 PDF 및 오디오 파일로 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 우리는 요한복음으로 시작합니다. 이번 주: 요한복음 6장


ستجد هنا فصلا من الكتاب المقدس كل أسبوع لتنزيله كملف pdf وكملف صوتي باللغات الكورية الشمالية والصينية والعربية. نبدأ بإنجيل يوحنا. هذا الأسبوع: يوحنا الفصل 6

  1. Bibel John 6: pdf | Audio Korean Chinese Arabic
    Bible John 5: pdf | Audio Korean Chinese Arabic
    Bible John 4: pdf | Audio Korean Chinese Arabic
    Bible John 3: pdf | Audio Korean Chinese Arabic
    Bible John 2: pdf | Audio Korean Chinese Arabic
    Bibel John 1: pdf | Audio Korean Chinese Arabic

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